Slow but Steady Progress for Transgender Individuals in Japan

November 6, 2023

Western Europe Max Last-Meinhold Western Europe Max Last-Meinhold

West Europe & Israel: Patterns in Individualism

The conflict between Hamas and Israel has captured the attention of the world, from Copenhagen to Cartajena protests of support or condemnation for one side or another are continuously thrown. From the IR perspective, though, it is certainly well to step back to see the wider picture of how the individual reactions of individual nations lend to a picture of the wider whole.

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South Asia Abhishek Girish South Asia Abhishek Girish

India’s Response to the War in Gaza

The Indian government is showcasing a diplomatic leaning towards Israel, considering the strong ties between the two countries and the strategic partnerships between them. A key factor is also the close friendship that the two prime ministers share. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi refrained from taking an absolute neutral position in the Israel-Palestine conflict, unlike his predecessors.

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